Core Contracts
The LendingCore contract is the main lending contract with which the user interacts through a web3 application or other smart contracts. This contract allows to perform the following user-oriented operations: deposit, borrow, redeem and repay. The source code can be found on Github here.
The Vault contract holds all the assets. The Vault contract holds the state of the assets and users. The contract performs low-level calculations of parameters defined by complex functions using advanced fixed-point math. The contract keeps a list of assets and a list of users and allows to edit lists and configurable parameters.
The source code can be found on Github here.
The oToken contract is contract of interest bearing tokens. The oToken contract implements the standard token methods and have the functions of minting and burning. Minting and burning of the oTokens occurs with each user deposit and redeem. The oTokens can be safely stored, transferred or traded. All collected interest are distributed to oTokens holders directly by continuously increasing their wallet balance. The calculation of collected interest is performed in the Vault contract.
The source code can be found on Github here.
The PriceOracle contract implements getting the asset prices from price feed aggregators (chainlink or others).
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