Supplying & Earning
How do I supply assets?
Navigate to the "Supply" segment and select "Supply" for the asset you wish to contribute. Choose the quantity you intend to supply and initiate your transaction*. After the transaction receives confirmation, your contribution is officially recorded, and you start accruing interest.
The initial provision of a particular asset necessitates an extra approval transaction.
How much can I expect to earn?
Holders of AssetTokens continuously earn returns that adjust based on market dynamics, specifically:
Loan Interest Payments: Providers share in the interest paid by borrowers, which is calculated as the average borrow rate multiplied by the utilization rate. The more a reserve is utilized, the higher the returns for providers.
Flash Loan Fees: Providers get a portion of the Flash Loan fees, amounting to 0.1% of the Flash Loan volume. Each asset operates within its own supply-demand market, each having a distinct APY (Annual Percentage Yield) that changes over time. To gauge rate trends, you can view the average annual rate from the past 30 days. More detailed data on each asset's reserve can be found in the home section of the app under the reserve overview.
What is the minimum & maximum amount for supplying?
You have the flexibility to provide any amount, with no set minimum or maximum. However, for extremely small amounts, the transaction cost might outweigh potential earnings. Hence, it's advisable to factor in these costs when considering supplying minimal amounts.
How do I withdraw my assets?
To withdraw your assets, navigate to the "Dashboard" tab and select “Withdraw”. Choose the amount you wish to retrieve and confirm the transaction. Additionally, you can leverage your “AssetTokens" for liquidity without the need for withdrawal. Ensure there's sufficient liquidity (unborrowed) for the withdrawal. If not, you might have to wait for additional liquidity either from new suppliers or from borrowers settling their dues.
Can I prevent my asset from serving as collateral?
Absolutely. Once you've provided your assets, you have the option to deselect the asset, ensuring it isn't utilized as collateral. This feature is accessible in the "Supply" segment of your dashboard. Just toggle off the "use as collateral" option for the asset you'd like to exempt from collateral use.
It's worth noting that you can retrieve your assets without deselecting them as collateral, provided those assets aren't currently backing any borrowings and the retrieval won't trigger a liquidation of your loans.
If you have further questions or encounter any issues, don't hesitate to contact the AssetDesk team through our Discord or Telegram channel.
Last updated